An incredible THANK YOU to the 400+ supporters, patients, and community partners of
NeuroHope and
Conquer Paralysis Now (CPN) who celebrated the Grand Opening of the
DRIVEN NeuroRecovery Center Powered by NeuroHope with us!

Ten years ago,
NeuroHope started with a single therapy mat at the
University of Indianapolis. In the years since, thanks to
Indiana CTSI, the
Incrediplex, the
OrthoIndy Foundation, the
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation,
Impact 100 of Greater Indianapolis, and many others , we grew to a 24-person multidisciplinary outpatient clinic, changed state legislation , raised millions of dollars , and most importantly helped more than 600 people in their journey battling paralysis!
Now, we are honored to begin our biggest partnership yet with Sam Schmidt and CPN in the opening of the DRIVEN NeuroRecovery Center where we are proud to relocate our clinic and manage clinical care and programs at the center. This partnership is centered around our singular and joint mission: Recovery from neurologic injury takes more time than traditional healthcare will allow, but that doesn’t mean access to the resources patients need should be limited.

The renovation of the former “Five Seasons” Sports club into the 110,000 square foot DRIVEN center allows NeuroHope to grow our mission of providing affordable, extended care for people living with paralysis, and creates a future campus for adaptive sports, recreation, community support programs, research opportunities , and other like-minded organizations to reside.
This is a landmark moment for the community and we are eternally grateful for Sam Schmidt and all of our supporters and staff through the years that have made this facility a reality.
Now the work continues to make this center the best in the Midwest!
Watch a video of our team’s move-in below!