He wasn’t being a daredevil. His choice wasn’t some expression of defiant, idealistic independence or gratuitous death-cheating. Chris Leeuw was on a kayak trip with friends near Edinburgh in August 2010 when he decided to jump off an abandoned truss bridge—a high bridge, sure, 50 or so feet, but he knew the water was deep. He was 28. People do that sort of thing when they’re 28.The problem was the guy next to him, who climbed up to make the leap as well. Leeuw didn’t know the guy, though he didn’t mind the company. They jumped at the same time, but Leeuw—at 6´2˝and 200 pounds—fell faster. The other guy drifted over toward Leeuw while falling; witnesses later said it looked as though Leeuw opened up a hole in the water for him.
https://www.neurohopewellness.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/IndyMonthly.jpg266355Derek Swansonhttps://www.neurohopewellness.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/NeuroHopeDriven-Logo_WebHeader_v42.svgDerek Swanson2018-06-11 16:15:212022-09-26 18:06:10Indianpolis Monthly: Taking a Stand